Friday, January 18, 2013


Well we cheered really, REALLY loud to help the Packers win last Saturday but they just couldn't pull it off.
We were at my parents for supper and the game and my die-hard, Packer fan husband ended up leaving early because he just couldn't take it (and he brought Cash home and put him to bed)! 
He was calmed down by the time Pierce and I got home!

Pierce got these Hawkeye overalls for Christmas 2 YEARS AGO and was scared to death of them!
If we brought them anywhere close to him he freaked out and bawled!
I was going through his clothes this week and found these in his drawer.
He put them on and hasn't really taken them off since!  They are now his new favorite piece of clothing!
I'm not sure he realizes they are Iowa Hawkeye bibs but someone told him farmers wear overalls so that's why he loves them:)

Cash got this teddy bear for Christmas and he loves it! 
It has to be in his bed every night and during naps.
I snapped this picture right after nap when he just couldn't leave the bear in his bed:)
He loves that bear and I love watching him care for it:)
{Also that damn paci....he only gets it in bed but for some reason he got past me and I didn't notice it in his mouth until after I took the picture!}

This was a riot!!
Pierce got these super cool new roller skates for Christmas and he got them out this week.
It was hilarious watching him go all around the house!
He was pretty confident on the carpet but one "roll" on the wood floors quickly took that confidence away!
He's had a few bruises already but he laughs and giggles while wearing them!

Happy Friday to all of you!
It's been a LONG week and I'm glad it's finally Friday!!

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