Monday, January 28, 2013

Koszta, Baptism & Hockey...OH MY!

Another busy weekend and we all survived....thanks to the ice storm on Sunday to keep us home!

Friday night mama had a koozie on her baby had to have a koozie on his sippy;)
The next morning wasn't so much fun.... Cash woke up with a 101.5 fever and wasn't eating or drinking.  My fear was strep throat so I made an appointment with his pediatrician right away.
I had just seen her Friday with Pierce but told her I didn't want to be that mom that gets the two for one deal;)
I'm not sure I've ever been so happy to hear it was ear infection and nothing else!
Unfortunately it was a bad ear infection and he threw up:(
A few rounds of medicine and he came around!


Saturday night we celebrated Travis birthday with friends!
We let Travis decide where the night would take us and we ended up in Koszta (pronounced Costy).
It's a bar out in the middle of nowhere!
Their specialty is Rolle Bolle so we had to test it out....
It was a fun night with a great group of friends!


The highlight of our weekend was this sweet boy....Jace!
Our newest Godchild!

Travis and I are very honored to be his Godparents! 
We celebrated his baptism Saturday:)


Pierce attended his very first hockey game with Grandpa Heitman this weekend and he loved it!
His favorite part....popcorn, of course!

Sunday was spent indoors doing 5 loads of laundry and watching the ice melt on the windows!
It was also designated "movie day"! 
I watched The Vow (LOVE) and Bridesmaids (HILARIOUS)!

Happy Monday to all of you!
Make it a great week!

Friday, January 25, 2013



Not much to report from this week....except Travis turned 33 and we have germs!

It's been a LOOOOONG week and these germs kicked my a$$!

This is my dream....

This is my reality...

I think it's safe to say there will be some adult beverages consumed tonight with comfy clothes and a nice movie!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Strep + Busy = Yuck

It's official...I have strep throat:(
I went to urgent care Sunday and the test came back negative there.

After working WITH KIDS for 2 days they called back and said the culture they sent out came back positive. AWESOME;( 

As much as I don't want strep I'm sorta glad I have it because I have felt like a HUGE wimp that can't get over a sore throat!  I haven't had a fever since the weekend but I've been sweating like no other...I actually took a picture of me sweating through a grey shirt but I'll share that with the hubs only;)  You're welcome!

The prednizone they put me on did nothing and I'm on Ibuprofen and Tylenol around the clock just to deal with the pain! NIGHTS.ARE.THE.WORST!
The only good thing to come out of this is the fact I've lost 5 pounds because I can't eat anything!

I have not had strep throat for 10 years! 
I remember it like it was yesterday...I did a semester in New York City in 2003 and a week before I left (in January!) I came down with strep and a fever.  Exact same symptoms I'm experiencing now...exactly 10 years later!
I guess if it's a 10 year cycle I'll take it....but it still sucks!!
My sister gets strep at least once a month...if not once every other month.  I have no idea how she does this!  She doesn't even have her tonsils! 
I feel her pain now!

Yesterday was Travis' birthday and I tried to look all good and put some tan on my face....
Turns out I still look sick:(

The kicker in all of this....I threw away all my onions last Friday and I got sick Saturday morning...and so did Pierce!! 
They were dried out and I was going to get more on Saturday.
I've since gotten more;)

Pierce still has fluid draining from his ear (SO GROSS) but he continues to be a trooper!  Never complains!
He's headed back to his pediatrician Friday (I'm hoping to take him but I don't really have the best job for that).
They are going to check him over then decide if we are headed back for more tubes. 
His last set was when he was 19 months and I thought we were in the clear! 
I thought wrong!
I really don't want to go through this again.... :(

Anyway...I'm done complaining now! 
I need to buck up because today is a busy day.
I have a group coming at 6pm to get spray tanned...I have a Kirkwood class from 6:30pm-8:30pm...then volleyball at 8:45pm. 
Not sure if volleyball will get played...I don't have much energy.  
I doubt my team wants me there anyway!  We shall see!

Happy Hump Day to all of you!
Go out and make it a good day...I...will...try! 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Out of the Ordinary

So far this week things have been out of the ordinary! 

I still can't get rid of this darn sore throat so these have been my go to food!
I haven't had a freeze pop for a really long time but surprisingly they are still delicious:) 

I've been drinking and eating cold things and Monday I realized something hot might be the ticket!
Travis and I are not coffee drinkers and I didn't have any hot chocolate in the house.
I made a trip to the store and bought some decaffeinated coffee (or I'd be crawling up the walls!) and bought some french vanilla creamer. 
We got out the coffee maker we got for your wedding 5 1/2 years ago that's only been used a handful of times!
We also didn't have any mugs around so I dug this was a complimentary gift after spending so much on pictures!
The hot coffee felt A-M-A-Z-I-N-G on my throat! I made another pot this morning!

Cash has been into his "babies" lately and I found him changing their diapers!  Pierce got in on the action as well. 
If wipes weren't so expensive I'd buy a whole bundle and let them play with them! 
Why do kids love baby wipes so much?!  Or is it just mine?!

While I was at the store buying coffee I spotted these oatmeal cream pies! 
I cannot remember the last time I bought them so I threw them in the cart!
I captured the boys eating their very first oatmeal cream pie!
**Note to self...don't go grocery shopping while hungry!**

Travis made a delicious supper last night! 
Pretty simple...chicken, noodles and Alfredo sauce.  He threw in some spices as well!
The food itself was great but the fact that he made it was even better;)

Speaking of Travis.....
Today is his 33rd birthday!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the best daddy and husband we could ask for!!!
As long as we're all healthy my mom and dad are watching the boys so we can go out to eat!
We plan to hit up Texas Road House and I'm already looking forward to the rolls and sweet butter...and maybe the big beer:)

Happy Tuesday!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Weekend = Doozy

Actually the weekend started out great but didn't end well:(
Friday night I went with my sister-in-law, Amy and BFF Haley to Menard's to pick up light fixtures, fans, gutters and a few other things for Amy & Jake's house.  We stopped at a few watering holes on the way home and made it a good night!

Saturday morning I woke up with thee worst sore throat.  I thought maybe it was because I snore (after a few drinks;) ) but I never got better. 
Travis was helping my brother at his house so I had two wild boys and I felt like shit!

I had a spray tan party at 1pm that day so I tried to convince myself I was okay so I got in the shower.  It physically hurt me to shower.  I was in tears!  I felt like such a baby!!
I took my temperature (101) and called Travis...crying!   He came home and took care of me and the boys.
I canceled my spray tan party...which killed me.  I let down 15 ladies:( (luckily they love their tans and have already rescheduled!).

I decided I did not want to go to the doctor Saturday because all I wanted to do was sleep.  I was successful with that!  I napped from 1-5!  Felt awesome but I didn't wake up feeling any better.

Sunday I planned to take Pierce and myself to Urgent Care right away in the morning.  I woke up and felt horrible.  Travis had to take us so he and Cash sat in the car and waited.
Pierce started draining fluid out of his ear which we know is ear infection.  He's a trooper and never complained once!

Strep came back negative but she said my throat looks horrible so they put me on prednizone.  She only gave me enough for three doses and I've had 2....I still don't feel the best:(
She looked in Pierce's ear and gasped really loud...I guess his ear is awful!  We are going to his pediatrician this week to talk about a 2nd set of tubes:(

We finally got home and I crashed on the couch again!  My temp never got over 99.9 but I just ached and felt like crap.  Thank goodness for Ibuprofen!

I'm hoping the start of the new week brings healthy air!!

Travis is off today and is helping with the daycare.  He's also on his 3rd load of laundry and did all the dishes!  I don't get sick very often (the last time I had a temperature was in 2003!) but maybe I should to get some extra hands around here!
Travis is a great dad and the best husband!  I really appreciate all his help these last 3 days!
His birthday is tomorrow so we're hoping to get out to do something fun!

Happy Monday to all of you! 
Hope your weekend was better then ours!!

Friday, January 18, 2013


Well we cheered really, REALLY loud to help the Packers win last Saturday but they just couldn't pull it off.
We were at my parents for supper and the game and my die-hard, Packer fan husband ended up leaving early because he just couldn't take it (and he brought Cash home and put him to bed)! 
He was calmed down by the time Pierce and I got home!

Pierce got these Hawkeye overalls for Christmas 2 YEARS AGO and was scared to death of them!
If we brought them anywhere close to him he freaked out and bawled!
I was going through his clothes this week and found these in his drawer.
He put them on and hasn't really taken them off since!  They are now his new favorite piece of clothing!
I'm not sure he realizes they are Iowa Hawkeye bibs but someone told him farmers wear overalls so that's why he loves them:)

Cash got this teddy bear for Christmas and he loves it! 
It has to be in his bed every night and during naps.
I snapped this picture right after nap when he just couldn't leave the bear in his bed:)
He loves that bear and I love watching him care for it:)
{Also that damn paci....he only gets it in bed but for some reason he got past me and I didn't notice it in his mouth until after I took the picture!}

This was a riot!!
Pierce got these super cool new roller skates for Christmas and he got them out this week.
It was hilarious watching him go all around the house!
He was pretty confident on the carpet but one "roll" on the wood floors quickly took that confidence away!
He's had a few bruises already but he laughs and giggles while wearing them!

Happy Friday to all of you!
It's been a LONG week and I'm glad it's finally Friday!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Great Group of Gals

Every year my group of girlfriends has a 'GIRLS CHRISTMAS' in January.
We do it in January for a few reason...#1 it's hard to find an open night in December with every ones crazy schedules and #2 this gives each of us something to look forward too after the holidays!!

This year was at our friend Haley's house!  She just remodeled her basement and it was a perfect location!
Here's the group....
This year was declared "sweat-pants" Christmas and no one fought it;)

We do a big grab-bag and in years past we've all brought things from our house we no longer need or use. 
We've had some pretty interesting gifts!  Lots of laughs and carried traditions!!

This year we decided to change things up and we all got a $10 gift from Goodwill.
There were some pretty hilarious gifts but this is what I came home with...
Yea...that would be a "fur" coat!  Not exactly sure what kind of fur it is but she's all mine!
I'm scared of what's in/on the coat so she didn't even get to come into my house!  She's living in the garage for now...

I love this tradition of Girls Christmas!
It's an easy, laid back night full of great conversation, a lot of laughs, Bud Light, RumChata, no kids or husbands!
It's an all around FUN night!

Cheers to some of the best friends a girl could ask for!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Germs...GRRRRRRR #2


I'm not sure if the onions are doing their job (collecting all the germs!) or if I seriously got lucky this time around but Cash only puked that one time and was wild man the rest of the day!
{onion theory HERE }

He's been eating, playing, fighting with his brother and sleeping just fine!


I'm still going to be crazy mama and not take the kids out if they don't have to!
Every child in my daycare has this wonderful hacking cough but I'll take that over puking!

This girl is excited because I have a spray tan party in Sigourney tonight!  I'm FINALLY getting out of the house (it's been a long 4 days here!) and I get to see adults and have conversations!!!

Hope you all have a great Tuesday!

Monday, January 14, 2013


I will be the first to admit I'm a control freak!
I'd like to think I have control over most things in my life...however the one thing I cannot control are germs!

Influenza, the puking flu and nasty colds have taken over the town of Williamsburg..I swear!
I'm the crazy mom that hasn't taken her kids anywhere and if I don't have to go anywhere myself I do not!
I've avoided the local grocery store for fear of germs!

Sunday morning rolled around and we were getting ready for church.  I'll admit I did not want to go but decided we better...what better place for me to pray to keep all the germs away;)
During mass we do "peace" where we shake each others hands and say "peace".  Well our priest announced before church if we do not want to touch other people then just nod your head!
So....I just nodded my head!

Fast forward to late Sunday night into Monday morning....
Cash was up every hour on the hour crying and moaning.  He has a nasty cold and we've been doing breathing treatments.  I think he was just clogged up and couldn't rest.

This morning he drank his milk fine and ate his breakfast.
I had 2 daycare girls here and I was getting Cash dressed for the day (sometimes we're a bit late doing this!).  Out of nowhere he puked all over the floor and myself!
My first thought....OH SHIT!!!
Not only can I not take another day unpaid but I do NOT want to deal with this (like anyone does!).
I contacted all the families and they quickly came and got their kids!

I was quickly reminded of Charloette from Sex And The City when she's cautious about not drinking the water on vacation and she accidentally does in the shower.
Seems like the most cautious (or bat shit crazy) ones get sick!

So it's been 3 hours since he last puked and he's eaten toast and drank water.  He's kept all that down!  I'm hoping it's not the flu and just flem from his nasty cough.
Only time will tell....

To be continued.....

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Germs & Onions

{This was Pierce Wednesday}
We've been hit with the crud:( 
So far it's just Pierce and hopefully it stays that way!
He has a temperature and the body aches.

I'm a freak about germs and feared this would hit us. 
I saw this article on Facebook:
 "Subject: Fw: Onions For Collecting The Flu Virus


In 1919 when the flu killed 40 million people there was this Doctor that visited the many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu. Many of the farmers and their family had contracted it and many died.

The doctor came upon this one farmer and to his surprise, everyone was very healthy. When the doctor asked what the farmer was doing that was different the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the rooms of the home, (probably only
two rooms back then).

The doctor couldn't believe it and asked if he could have one of the onions and place it under the microscope. She gave him one and when he did this, he did find the flu virus in the onion. It obviously absorbed the bacteria, therefore, keeping the family healthy.

Now, I heard this story from my hairdresser in AZ. She said that several years ago many of her employees were coming down with the flu and so were many of her customers. The next year she placed several bowls with onions around in her shop. To her surprise, none of her staff got sick. It must work.. (And no, she is not in the onion business) The moral of the story is, buy some onions and place them in bowls around your home. If you work at a desk, place one or two in your office or under your desk or even on top somewhere. Try it and see what happens. We did it last year and we never got the flu.

If this helps you and your loved ones from getting sick, all the better. If you do get the flu, it just might be a mild case..

Now there is a P. S. to this for I sent it to a friend in Oregon who regularly contributes material to me on health issues. She replied with this most interesting experience about onions:

Weldon, thanks for the reminder. I don't know about the farmers story, but I do know that I contracted pneumonia and needless to say I was very ill I came across an article that said to cut both ends off an onion put one end on a fork and then place the forked end into an empty jar... placing the jar next to the sick patient at night. It said the onion would be black in the morning from the germs... sure enough it happened just like that... the onion was a mess and I began to feel better.

Another thing I read in the article was that onions and garlic placed around the room saved many from the black plague years ago. They have powerful antibacterial, antiseptic properties"

So guess what we have laying around this house?! 
You guessed it...onions!

Hope you're all staying healthy! 
And if you've been struck with the crud also...STAY HOME!! 
Keep those germs to yourself!!
Okay?! Okay!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Our Friday night pizza and adult beverage get together was canceled because the other family had the flu:(
Travis and I decided we were still going to have pizza and adult beverages;) 

Then we thought it would be fun to put pictures up....okay I don't think it's fun but it needed to be done.  I've had these pictures since fall and have been procrastinating putting them up.

Not sure about all of you but pictures can be a bit overwhelming for me...
Regardless..we finished!
I need to find "fillers" for in between all these photos. 
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

Saturday we had a house call for haircuts! 
Cash had hair all over him so I put him in the tub.  He's had really bad eczema and dry skin since he was a baby.  Baths make it 10x worse but he needed cleaned.
His calves and bum were so bad he could hardly walk.  They were really red, inflamed and I'm sure itched really bad. bum exposed (these picture were taken a few days later so it actually looks much better).
I called Mercy On-Call (speed dial 10!) and they said to put Cortizone cream on it.
Within a few minutes he was so much better....but then started running a low-grade fever.  It never got over 100 but they were concerned about infection so if it creeped higher then 100.4 we were to get to the doctor.  Luckily that didn't happen!
So this was our weekend....

PACKERS kicked Minnesota's butt Saturday night!  This is the team we know and love;)
We had friends over and this is how they showed up...
We had a great time eating appetizers, having great conversations and cheering on the Packers!

Happy Tuesday to all of you! 
Might be a long week considering it's the first full week I've worked in 3 weeks! 
So glad I work in my home:)

PS: This was supposed to post yesterday (Monday) but Blogger is having issues uploading photos.  And whats a blog of mine without photos?!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Holidays 2012

We survived the holidays!

My family:)
The kids were not into taking pictures;)

Pierce + Makenna = T-R-O-U-B-L-E
But they sure do love each other!

Silly, silly kids!
Love, love, love this picture of Pierce and me!

Cash dancing with G'ma Spratt

My brother (Uncle Bubba) built the kids this kick-a$$ fort out of boxes.  The kids loved it!  I think Jake had alternative keeping the kids busy in the basement so they weren't running around wild upstairs;)

Santa came...he really, really came!!!!


I think this blanket was the best present ever!!

Cash & G'ma Heitman

Baking Jesus' birthday cupcakes!!
We are still in disbelief....our beloved Packers lost to the Vikings over the weekend:(

I hope you all had a great holiday as well!
We dodged quite a few germs over here and I'm hoping we're in the clear!  Pierce had ear infection but I'd take that over some of the other germs floating around!
I hope you are all enjoying routine again...I know I am!