It all started off.....with Cash and I sleeping in to 11am!
I'm ashamed to admit it but yes...I was super lazy and slept the day away!
Not sure why he slept so late but it might have something to do with the rain and being darker outside!
After we got up we decided to make a trip to Iowa City for groceries and odds and ends!
We weren't the only ones who had shopping on our minds! Good lord there was a lot of people out!
I had the best check-out girl ever at Wal-mart....she was super speedy and I made sure to comment on that! She said I wasn't the first to compliment her:) I'll be looking for her next time I'm there!
We had a late lunch (ya know...because we slept in!) at Buffalo Wild Wings. We watched a few quarters of NFL then headed back home...for naps:)
Cash took a 2.5 hour nap! I hope this isn't the start of him getting sick... I'm thinking growth spurt!
Pierce is *STAR OF THE WEEK* this coming week so we sat down and filled out the papers and picked out pictures:

Travis and I had a good laugh.....
What are some interesting facts about me:
Pierce: "I love riding my bike, I love gardening, I love playing with my little brother Cash, I love farming, my daddy is a firefighter, I love wearing my cowboy boots and my best friend is Rogan!"
Here are some of my favorite things:
Book- Batman
Food- Casey's pizza and chicken nuggets
Toy/Game- Hungry Hungry Hippos
Movie- Toy Story 3
Color- Red
The best time I ever had was when- I got to ride in a fire truck with my dad!
Someday, I want to be a- Firefighter (DUH)
If I could have one wish, I would wish for- 2 more wishes;) (he seriously said this and my jaw kid!)
We ended the night with chips and dip and watching the Packers!
I hope you all had a perfect Sunday as well!
Have a great week!
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