Friday, May 18, 2012

The Joys of a 18mo Old!

I have always said my least favorite age of children is between 12 months and 24 months.....only because they are testing every single limit and getting away with most of it because they are so darn cute!!  I feel like Cash thinks his name is "NO" or "GET OUT OF THERE!"  He has been testing EVERY limit lately and I'd like to share a few:)
First of all he's a bully:(  He hits, pushes, sits on, pulls hair and anything else he can do to other kids.  Makes me very sad but I try to give my attention and affection towards his victims!  It's still not working but I'm hoping it will catch on soon!
He also loves pushing buttons (and not just mine!).  He knows how to switch the TV to other components and loves watching the daycare kids freak out when Dora gets shut off!  I bet I have to correct this problem (on average) 10 times a day!  If I leave my purse hanging on a chair or anywhere in his reach he empties the whole thing out and scatters it all over the house!  My purse is feeling lighter lately but I haven't figured out what's missing!  He's into all my cupboards and drawers!  I know it's good to let your kids play with pots and pans and stuff but I'm such a clean freak I have to wash everything he touches or it can't go back into the cupboard!  Our dishwasher is full all the time and I'm getting really tired of that!  We have locks on certain cupboards and drawers but not all! 
In this particular drawer is bibs and oven mitts!  Nothing exciting but it's his height and he enjoy getting stuff out of there!  Well he pulled on it one too many times and completely ripped the whole face off!  Travis was not happy b/c he's the one that has to fix it....I was not happy b/c my drawer was exposed!!  Travis fixed it and it looks so much better!
His latest new naughty thing to do is pulling the vents out of the floor and putting toys down them!  In his defense the vents are not attached to the floor so once he figured out he can do it of course he's going to do it again & again & again & again!!!
Needless to say at the end of the day I'm ready for a spray tanning party OUT of the house and some adult time!  It's a good thing he's so cute and I love him so much:) 
Here he is enjoying a chocolate chip cookie....on the kitchen counter!  Geesh...I think I'm in trouble with this kid!

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