Friday, November 4, 2016


Halloween this year was a weekend event!
The weather was beautiful for the whole weekend!

We went trick or treating on the town square!
We met some friends and cousins there!
{You will not see Pierce...he chose farming over candy!}

Kroy & Andie!

Oh my goodness... I can't even!!!
How cute is this little puppy?!

Cash, Karli, Jace and Demi.

Slate and Kroy... chilling in their strollers!

My mom's birthday is on Halloween so we had a family lunch at my sisters on the 30th.
She always gets them matching shirts so of course we had a photo shoot!

We brought the kids costumes and they all had fun!

My three pumpkin!

Sunday afternoon/evening was a rush to get pumpkins painted.
It was not a family affair... Travis was farming and we dropped Pierce off with him after lunch.
So... Cash and I started the painting process!

We picked Pierce up around 7pm from Travis and he painted his pumpkin...with gloves on!

My handy-dandy work!



I got to attend the boys Halloween parade at school!
I love seeing all the kids and their costumes!

Here's SpongeBob.... I mean Cash!

There's our soldier, Pierce!

Pierce and his buddies- Jackson, Sawyer & Kyler 

Halloween evening was beautiful so the kids and I walked up and down North Street with LynDee and her kids while Travis handed out candy!
Then we loaded in the vehicle and made about 10 stops!

Here's SpongBob, the soldier and a grumpy puppy!

Pierce and Levi dressed alike!

We got to see Great Grandma Vera at one of our stops!

The boys had a great Halloween and I hope you all did as well!

And let me just say.... TGIF!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Fall Catchup 2016

 Fall has gotten away from me and before you know it the holidays will be here...eeeekkkk!!!!

Not much new here... still live'n the dream!

We added another full time baby to the daycare!
Meet Andie... Kroy's cousin and new best friend!
Both of these babies are awesome babies and so chill... however...
I could NEVER have twins!

Washing bottles has been added to the chore list!
However, they don't realize it's a chore because it's SO MUCH FUN!!!

We got all of our professional pictures back and I absolutely LOVE this one!

And this handsome chunk turned 4 months old on October 22nd!
He's 19 pounds, 15 ounces!
He still sucks at naps but sleeps for 12 hours thru the night!
He still only has eyes for his mommy:)
{and yes, I kiss and munch those cheeks ALL day!}

You can often hear him sucking those fingers!

In September I was honored to pull double Godmother duty to Slayton Thomas and Andie Jo!
Travis and I are Slayton's Godparents and Jacob and I are Andie's Godparents.
Back in May Slayton's mommy, Andie's mommy and I took a pregnancy picture!
Here's the "before" picture....
And here's the "after"!
Kroy and Andie are 6 weeks apart and Andie and Slayton are 6 weeks apart!
All cousins and best friends!

Back story to their baptism day...
The night before Travis and I had a wives supper party.  It's always a good time and the beverages are always flowing...
I knew I had double Godmother duty the next morning so I behaved myself!
I woke up Sunday morning and did not feel good!
I honestly thought I was hungover so I gave myself a pep talk...
"you're 35 years old.. pull yourself together and do this!"
It worked... I made it through church...
...but on the way to the lunch I had the worst body aches ever and my throat was killing me.
I put on a good front and made it until 2pm.
{I hurt so bad I could hardly hold Kroy in the "after" picture!}
I got home and crawled in bed and took my temp... 101.4!
Pretty sure you don't get a fever from being hungover!
I didn't leave my bed until 5am Monday morning.
Long story short I tested positive for strep throat, had a fever for 2 days and a sore throat for 7 days!
I actually lost 6 pounds because I couldn't eat or drink a lot!
So glad that's over... and none of my boys got it!

Travis' cousin David got married and we had a great day in Waverly celebrating.



 I am the crazy lady that has started Christmas shopping already!
In fact, I've already changed my mind a few times and sent three gifts back to Amazon!
The perks of early shopping, I guess!

Amazon Prime all the way!

We jumped on the Chicago Cubs bandwagon and cheered them all the way to winning the WORLD SERIES!!!
My friend Haley is a huge Cubs fan and she got them these shirts.
The first game she invited us over for supper and to watch the game.
Well...we became the good luck charms because we went over there for supper and the game almost every game!
Sure... I'll bring my rowdy boys over to your house and you feed them;)
Win-win for this mom!!