Friday, May 27, 2016

Summer Advice

I'll be the first to admit I am NOT super mom and each day has it's own struggles!
While I'm in the mood of admitting things... I'll also admit I've never been the mom super excited for summer break!
Today marks the first day of summer vacation...
Does anyone else feel like every thing is a battle and fight?!
From what outfit to wear, to what's for breakfast, to "he's looking at me wrong!", to "I had that truck first!!", there's also "that snack is so disgusting I'm NOT eating!" (and in my head I'm Ross Geller saying "FINE BY ME!!")....and so on and so on!!
So in the summer this is my whole day from 6am to bet your ascot they will still go to bed at 8pm all summer....mama needs that break!!
We have our moments of greatness and I need to remember those more then the not-so-great moments...
...I'm working on it!
Things would be different if we were able to get in the vehicle and go places... like the library, the pool, the park...ANYWHERE! 
But when you also run a daycare you're stuck at home...and so are your kids!
I'm excited for this summer because I'm taking 5 weeks "off" after having the baby!
The boys and I will be able to load up in the vehicle and go places!
I say "off" because although I won't have daycare for 5 weeks...I'll still have my 2 boys...BUT... we'll be mobile...and that will be amazing!!
I will say this has been the one year I am more excited for summer then I ever have been in the past only for the fact of no school work!
Pierce is only in first grade but he has to work really hard for his grades and it was a nightly routine for the last 9 months!
I think we're all ready for a break!
And I may or may not have started my "break" in April after spring testing was done...sorry Mrs. Belland!
{We'll still read numerous books a day...but I can handle that!}
This year I decided to write the boys a little something to keep in mind!
It's more of a guide to live by this summer!!
S - Sleep!  For God's sake sleep in!!!
U - Under no circumstance is it okay to leave pee or poop in the toilet!  FLUSH!!
M - Make your presence known... help out and clean up after yourselves! I am NOT a one woman show!
M - Mama... If mama is happy, everyone is happy!! Pretty simple, really!!
E - Everyone is responsible for their own actions!  Think twice...and know I have eyes everywhere!
R -  Remember to get along with everyone...EVERYONE!!
B - Be respectful! If mom says no, I MEAN IT!!  Please do not ask 100 times thinking I'll give in! That will not happen!
R - Reading books will continue throughout the matter how many fits you's happening...just do it!
E - Even 5 and 7 year olds need rest!  Chill out once in a while!!
A - Always have FUN in whatever you're doing!!!
K - Kind words are the only words I want to hear!!
And if all else grandma!!
Speed dial #1!
And lucky for me...
...summer means warm weather...
...warm weather means ice cold drinks are on the menu... cold drinks here = Bud Light!!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Goodbye Spring...Hello Summer...

Last Friday Kadence graduated from preschool!
These two will be heading to kindergarten in the fall!
The boys and I went while Travis stayed home and mowed and tended to the garden.
After her program Kellie had a meal at their house so we all went.
Around 9pm my parents left to head home and Pierce wanted to go with them.
He ran out after them and they told him exactly what I told him..."No, we are leaving soon too!"
That was the last we saw Pierce for a while!
I started packing up our stuff to go home and telling my boys to get their things too.
I realized I hadn't seen Pierce for a while so looked around for him.
I didn't see him.
After a few rounds outside and yelling inside I asked if anyone else had seen him. one had!
By this time we had everyone looking for him...Kellie, Chad, Kahne, Kadence, Cash, Ron, Joyce, Kellie's neighbors and the neighbors kids.
I tried to remain calm knowing he was probably okay but after 25 minutes the bad thoughts started creeping in my head.
I overheard Kahne asking another neighbor "Have you seen my cousin Pierce... he was wearing a black Under Armour Iron Man shirt!!!"
And I instantly thought...this will be the description we will tell the police!
I was a shaking disaster...
thinking someone took him....
thinking at what point do we call the cops...
thinking I'm going to have to call Travis and tell him I lost our son...
All the while hearing 15 people yelling "PIERCE.....PIERCE....PIEEEEERCE!!" in the background of my thoughts!
Kellie's neighbor asked if there was history of Pierce hiding from us...
I said no because he has never done that!
As I was getting to my breaking point (full on meltdown) I hear Kahne scream... "THERE HE IS!!!"
We were all outside in the dark and Kahne spotted him through the sliding glass door crying behind their couch inside!
I didn't know whether to hug him or kill him!!!
I was BEYOND thankful he was safe...but I was BEYOND pissed he ignored all of us yelling his name!
Turns out he was mad he couldn't go with Grandma and Grandpa!
We had quite the chat and heart to heart and he truly understood what he did and the severity of it!
At one point he said "I already know I'm a terrible person!" 
Talk about breaking my heart!
After explaining he's not a terrible person, he was crying, I was crying...and we just hugged and hugged!  He even ran back inside on his own terms to give Kellie another hug, to tell everyone he was sorry and to give Kahne another hug!
{I'm a sobbing mess writing this 7 days later!}
He's safe and that's all that matters!
We'll chalk this up to a life lesson and hope it never happens again!!
Okay....moving on!
The weather is warming up and it's been nice to get outside!
After church on Sunday we decided to pack a picnic lunch and head to Lake Iowa for the day.
The boys had fun on the beach and walking in water!
I LOVE this picture!
Humor me a little Pierce and act like you like him!
This was the car ride home...success!
For anyone who truly knows me knows I'm not an outdoorsy person...and I hate bugs, especially bees!
Well all day there were the huge black jacket bumble bees every where!
I turned around and all I could hear was their buzzing... I swear they were after me!
I'm not the calmest person when encountering bees...
...some may say I'm a spaz!
This might have been the first time the boys have seen me act in such a manner;)
At one point Pierce and I went to the restrooms...which were outside...
He walked into the boys and I opened the door to the girls and a big hairy black spider fell right in front of me!
I screamed...and scared the shit out of Pierce...not to mention almost peeing my pants!
I scared Pierce so much he refused to use the bathroom...OOPS!
And Travis and Cash heard me from the van!!
Later that night I was at the grocery store and saw our neighbor who said "I hear you had a bad day at Lake Iowa?!  Cash said you got stung by a big black bee!"
I just laughed and told her the story!
So maybe I'm a little crazy and run around screaming when I see a bee... if my boys think I got stung then I'll let them think that...
The boys have found a new quiet place....
...I guarantee it won't be their quiet place for long!

It's been a long week with 11 hour work days, baseball starting, hair appointments, spray tans, trying to keep the boys in their room all night (I gave up Tuesday and Wednesday night!), and just life in general!
This is what my house looks like at 6:30am!
{The little guy comes a little after 7}.

Latest craving....watermelon!
I have no shame in admitting I've pretty much eaten a whole watermelon this week!
And let the games begin!
Both boys play the same nights, sometimes the same times, sometimes different towns!
Travis coaches Pierce's team and helps coach Cash's team!
I got all three of my boys in a picture on the bottom right!

On Wednesday Cash had his last day of preschool!
He's ready for kindergarten!!
What happened to his baby face?! :(
The backpack and shoes lasted all year but both are on their last leg!
When he started in August he was a size 5 in clothes and now I'm buying him 6/7!
He's a whole head taller than most kids in his class!
Today Pierce finished up 1st grade!!
He's also changed from the beginning of the year!
He's on his third pair of shoes and second backpack!
Pierce is a lot harder on things than his brother!!
Today he is sporting the cranky, tired look!
Their father had them at the fire station until after 9:30 last night...
...and then we had some pretty big storms roll through a couple times through the night so we were all up...
...then they heard me wake up at 5:50am so both were up for the day!
Luckily it's an early out for Pierce...
...and luckily I love Diet Pepsi!
Hello summer...I think...
I'm excited for the baby to arrive...but I'm still mentally preparing myself for summer and having bigger mouths to feed and bigger opinions to face!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Field Day, Fire, Friends & Sleeeeeep!

We had a very busy Wednesday this week!
It started with Cash having field day at school!
I do not have any days to take off so Travis took the morning off to be there for Cash.
Last minute my mom (the saint) said she would watch my daycare for a few hours so I could go watch him!
I was very thankful and Cash was excited to see me!!
The weather was beautiful and all the kids did a great job!
Wednesday afternoon Travis came home with his old fire gear because he got brand spank'n new gear!
Of course the boys had to try the old gear on!
Pierce's heaven right here folks!
Travis had fire training that night and said they were doing a controlled house fire.
He asked if I would bring the boys front of Pierce...who doesn't forget anything... guess where we went?!
To the fire!
Travis and Jeremy (BIL)
We could spot Travis the whole time with his super clean gear!

We had to move shortly after this picture because it got hot real fast!

Jeremy in action!!
Travis and the boys!
It was tough because Pierce wanted to stay with Travis...which was not going to happen!
So every time he came around Pierce had 100 questions for him!
It was the last place I wanted to be but I'll admit it was kinda cool!
It brought back memories of me as a kid going with my dad and siblings to controlled fires!
Of course back then we actually got to ride in the trucks with them!
It was fun to see all the firemen in action but it was crazy how fast the house burnt down!
Kind of scary, actually!
We are enjoying the 70 degree weather and wish it was like this year round!

TGIF to all of you!
We are off to watch my niece graduate from preschool tonight... then we have 3 high school graduations tomorrow!
**Boys New Room Sleeping Update**
It's not going so smooth:(
They've been in their new room over a week and we are still up numerous times a night coaxing them back downstairs!
Wednesday was the best night we've had in a week...Cash fell asleep and stayed asleep the whole night...but Pierce was up around 4:30 and didn't want to be in his room anymore!
Travis got him back down there and I had to wake him up Thursday morning!
They seem to do okay falling asleep...with a few exceptions...but it's when they wake up in the middle of the night and get scared!
Pierce has super sonic ears and heard our water softener rebooting the other night!
He also hears me going to the bathroom numerous times a night...sorry kid, I can't hold it!
Last night I gave up at 2:30am and just let Cash sleep on our floor!
{That was after Pierce was already in our room a few times!}
Travis was sound asleep and didn't hear any of that...otherwise Cash would have been in his own bed!
The boys know who to come to;)
I know this is a phase and it to shall pass...but come on!!
I guess I'm glad we are doing this now and not when we have a newborn also up through the night!
If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears!!
We have a sound machine with 10 different sounds...they hate it.
We turn on country music...but it shuts off on it's own and Pierce freaks out when that happens.
We have left any and all lights on...doesn't work!
We got all new night lights and spread them throughout the house (their route to our room!)...they don't care!
Pierce helped build the damn room...doesn't matter!
Pierce wants to leave their door open, Cash wants it compromise has been met!
A 9 month pregnant mom just wanting to get some sleep before the baby arrives! 

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Cash's Preschool Graduation

I'm not sure where the last 5 1/2 years went but my Cash-Man is done with preschool and starts kindergarten in the fall!
He has been SOOOO excited for their graduation program for the last couple weeks!
They all did a great job!
I had to start with this picture because it explains Cash so well!
He was rather wound up about graduating!!
They sang many songs and put on a show for us!
It was adorable!
When they handed out diplomas they announced what each child wanted to be when they grow up!
Cash still wants to be a cook at McDonald's!
Best Teachers Ever!!!!
Miss Debbie, Miss Dawn & Miss Stacy
{Cash has a special connection with Miss Dawn and will miss her very much!!  I think Miss Dawn likes him a little too!}

Cash and Cormac!
I can't wait to recreate these pictures for their high school graduation in 2029!!
Cash & Karli

Cash was a lucky kid and had both sets of grandparents there cheering him on!

One big happy family:)

Boys! Boys! Boys!
Cash's buddies Ben, Mason and Landon!
Cash, Cormac and Tyson!
Why is my kid so tall?! ;)
Cormac, Tyson, Tenley and Karli
After the graduation ceremony we gave Cash the choice of supper!
He chose the Sundown!
He had 16 family members join him for supper!
{Pierce was giving the peace just can't see his index finger!}
Thank you to all who came and helped him celebrate!

This picture on the left is August 2014 when he started preschool and the one on the right is from last night!
A lot has changed...except his taste in color;)
Time sure does fly!! we come!!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Pregnancy Life

This pregnancy is going great and I'm feeling good!
And to be honest I can't believe how fast it's going!
If you would have asked me in January/February I would have never said it was going fast!
But looking back it really is going quick!
{Travis says it's been the longest 7 months of his life...I feel so sorry for him...NOT!!!}
I am 34 weeks pregnant tomorrow (Tuesday)!
In this picture I am 33 weeks but I don't think much has changed in 6 days!
The weather has been cool and I'm glad I haven't had to bust out the maternity shorts yet!
These legs are not ready to be seen!
We still don't know if this baby is a boy or girl but my gut is saying girl.
Everything about this pregnancy has been different.
Even subconsciously I always think girl.
The other day I found myself picking out a really cute pink blanket...I had it in my hands...then realized I have no idea what I'm having and I put it back!
It's gotten to a point where I'm telling myself to stop because if it turns out to be a boy I'll have a lot of mental adjusting to do!
Of course we'll be happy with either gender...healthy is all we ask!
 The only thing I will complain about is my heartburn!
It's so out of control:(
I wake up every single night with vomit (TMI) in my throat/mouth and then can't get back to sleep because nothing helps!
I've heard celery and milk will do the trick...and they do...but only for a few minutes...and then it's back!
I've gone without supper many times because I fear how my nights will go!
I already take a Prevacid and a Zantac 150 daily.
They help...but still aren't 100%!
{I don't ever want to know how bad it would be without these meds!}
I had bad heartburn with Cash also and this is how he came out...
And those cheeks:)
Looks like I enjoyed my food with that pregnancy as well:)
Speaking of food...some of my cravings this pregnancy have been cereal (Kix), apples and oranges!
Oh, and don't forget the sweets!
{I won't mention the bars I made yesterday...choc chip cookie on bottom then layered with chocolate bars, peanut butter, graham crackers, marshmallows and topped off with more choc chip cookie dough! AMAZE-balls!  Oh...and the best part...they're totally fat free;)}
However, I realized a big part of my heartburn is due to sugar so I've cut back...
...really, I have!

This weekend we spent most of our Saturday moving the boys completely out of their old room and into their new room...
...and making their old room the nursery...again!
Travis (with my help!) got the bunk beds out of there, cleaned the whole room, painted and put the crib together!
I may or may not have had a panic attack!
Yikes...ready or not...we are about to have an infant in here again!
Anyone else think it's hot? you feel like you have an elephant on your chest?...can't breath?
Oh, that's just me?!  Eeeeeeek!!
After all of our hard work Cash and I had a date!
We went to the MDS dance recital at the high school!
He loves watching all his friends and cousins...and so do I!
It was a fun night!
Travis and Pierce had a date at the Sundown!

We are super busy this week with it being the 2nd to last week of school!
Cash graduates preschool tonight (sniff sniff!), we are in full swing of baseball practices and games starting next week, there's field trips and field day, and water day, and high school graduation parties, and hair cuts and doctor appointments and... AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!
Okay, I'm going to go get this elephant off my chest!
Happy Monday ya'll!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Boys New Bedroom

 In just three weeks the boys new room is done!
I'm so glad my husband finally understood my sense of urgency and my dad got him there!

Here's the best "before" picture I got!
{Picture taken 4/15/16}
On this side of our basement it was big recreation room.
We had a ton of toys (now they all have new homes!) and a second living room area.
On the opposite side of the basement (not pictured) is a bedroom (spray tan room), full bathroom, a bar and storage room.


Things got started quickly!!

{Picture taken 4/18/16}
We had a framed room within days!

{Picture taken 4/23/16}

 Painting day!!!
Pierce was so excited to help he had 493 questions before they even got started!
{Picture taken 4/30/16}
He lasted 15 minutes and I'm not even sure if he painted anything... know because I was gone....
...I can't be around those paint fumes while pregnant (**wink**wink**)!!

Coming together!
{Picture taken 4/30/16}
 The boys wanted an Iowa Hawkeye room (black and gold) but I decided against it!
We went with classic grey!
Now just waiting on carpet...
{Picture taken 5/4/16}


Yay for carpet!!
{Picture taken 5/6/16}
Now all we need is the boys furniture and move-in date!!!

Our new living room area...toy free!


 It took a little longer to get their room filled with furniture because when we Travis went to pull the twin box springs and frames out of the storage room we couldn't find one set.
It dawned on both of us at the same time we let our niece, Brynnleigh, borrow it.
We felt bad but we had to ask for it back.
The boys are so excited about their new room!
They haven't officially slept in it yet...but we'll get there;)
{Picture taken 5/10/16}

It's clean for now...
...but I give it 2 days of the boys actually in there and it will be trashed!


It turned out great and the boys and I are beyond blessed to have such a handy dad/husband and very handy grandpa/dad!
They worked long hours here and there whenever they could...along with working their full time jobs!  And it only took them three weeks!!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to the hard working men in our lives...Travis and Ed!


I didn't get away without helping...
....I was there to keep the boys out of the way and I also cooked them lunch a few times...
...go me!!