Thursday, February 18, 2016

Valentine CatchUp

We had a great Valentines Day!
The boys actually posed for this picture for me...
...and I LOVE IT!!!
Speaking of love....
 The Valentine fairy found my boys!
Travis got his beef sticks he wanted!
I got the cupcakes I wanted...12 of them to be exact!
But there's no picture of proof because they are now gone!
{Don't worry...I shared!}
We celebrated Valentines Day by attending Cash's preschool prom!
 He sat on Travis' lap all night and didn't dance!
The only time he got up was when they were calling names for raffle and door prizes!
He was very lucky and won an annual pass to the Children's Museum AND a family pool membership for our local pool!
There's a reason his name is Cash;)
Cormac and Cash have been buds since birth!
And Cash has always been huge compared to him!

Cash may not have danced but his older brother did!
Here's the 1st grade older brothers busting a move (or popping bubbles, whatever!).
After the dance we joined the Ackerman family at Pizza Haus for some much needed grub!
Then it was home for comfy clothes!
On Valentines Day we celebrated Travis' grandma Alice's 80th birthday.
She had a very nice open house!
Our Monday started out a little rocky but we have since recovered!

A daycare dad dropped his son off and said he smelled natural gas outside.
I called and texted my husband with no response (in his defense he was busy!) so then I called Alliant Energy.
Fast forward a half hour and we had the city police, firemen and 2 Alliant trucks at our house!
It was our meter and they had to shut our gas off for a few minutes to fix the problem!
They were in and out rather quickly and all is good now!
I am just thankful nothing worse happened!!

We've been taking it easy since then!
Travis worked late Monday night so the boys enjoyed Lincoln Logs and I enjoyed the Grammy's!
Cash is really learning a lot at his gymnastics class and loves everything!
Our family is into UNO lately and this kid is no exception!
I stepped away for a quick minute and he dealt the cards...
He has no idea how he ended up with 4 wilds!!
Mom Venting Corner:
It's been one of those weeks...
Does anyone else feel overwhelmed in the evenings?!
I feel I'm jumping huge hurdles just to have my kids are fed, bathed, homework done, backpack ready for the next day... and all the little stuff that doesn't seem like a huge deal.
And none of this includes adult stuff like meetings, errands, volleyball, Ass Chief duties, church, carpool...
I feel like I'm surviving...but not winning...
I've been going to bed with the worst mommy guilt lately!
{I should have handled that differently! Why did I raise my voice? Am I being the best mom I can be? Am I ruining them? What will they think when they look back on their childhood? Ugh...and so on and so on! Some nights I'm in tears over this stuff!}
I get my hormones are way out of whack AND I'm emotional...but please tell me I'm not alone!
I'm not a fan of putting myself out there like this!
I read a lot of blogs and some of my favorites are real women with real "issues".  I feel like I connect with them more!  Hopefully some of you know where I'm coming from and can connect with me on that level!
Things are not always peaches and cream around here and real life can suck sometimes...
...BUT we are all healthy and that's something to be grateful for!
You see what happened there?!  I'm feeling guilty about venting about mundane things and in my head I hear, "Kim...your family is healthy!  You have a roof over your head and food on your table!"  I feel terrible because a lot of you are dealing with real "issues" and are probably thinking "Shut the hell up!!!"
I debated deleting this "Mom Venting Corner" but today I'm deciding to leave it up!
I'm a real mom who sometimes needs to vent.
Thanks for not judging me;)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Ultra Sound!!!

We had our ultra sound last Friday, Feb. 12th.
We gave the boys the option to come with us and both chose to come!
It was a big decision for Pierce because he was going to miss his Valentines Day party at school if he came with us.  Turns out, he survived without the party!
The ultra sound tech was amazing!
She asked us right away if we wanted to know what we were having...
...I said "No, we aren't going to find out... BUT if you mess up and accidentally tell us I'm not going to be mad!"
She laughed and said she's pretty professional and that wouldn't be happening!
{Reminder, Travis is the one that doesn't want to know what the sex is!  I went along with it because he's been suffering from morning sickness, his whole life changed in 2 minutes and he's carrying a human life in his belly....oh wait...THAT'S ME!!!  I have no idea why I agreed to it but I'll tell you I was regretting my decision that day!  He actually told me on the way to the appointment that I could find out but he still didn't want to... Oh yea, that would work...NOT! 
I guess I will admit the surprise in June will be pretty amazing!}
Okay, back to our appointment! 
The tech asked if she should shut the TV's off while she went over the anatomy and we said just leave them on because we didn't know what we were looking at anyway!
I proceeded to tell her at our 2 other ultra sounds the only way we knew what we were looking at was because the technician told us "this would your baby sitting on a glass table!"  And sure enough, we saw a scrotum for both boys!
During the ultra sound the boys had to go to the bathroom so Travis took them.
I was trying really hard to see the private parts but had no idea what I was looking at!
While Travis and the boys were out of the room I said...
..."Is this the glass table part??!!"
In a very serious, monotone voice she said "No, but I can go there if you want me to!"
I was surprised she said that and had no idea what to say or do!
She said again, in her serious, monotone voice, "I can be very quiet and go there if you want me to!"
...what's a mom to do?!
Before I could make up my mind Travis and the boys entered back into the room!
I guess that was settled then!
The ultra sound went great and I haven't heard from my doctor so I assume all is good!
It took me a few days to get the CD of pictures from ultra sound uploaded but when I did I was surprised by some of the images!
I'll first start out by saying 3D images freak me out! 
If you notice in this picture it looks like our child has a HUGE nose...
...AND something between the legs!!!
I am not a professional but now I'm assuming we're having a boy!
If anyone wants to correct me I'd be willing to listen;)
I wanted to share this picture also to let you all see my child does not have a HUGE nose!
So, that's our story of our ultra sound!
I'm thinking boy right now and will be very surprised if it's a girl come June!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Winter Fun

It's hard to find things to keep us busy during the winter!
It's getting to that point where it needs to start warming up because my kids need outside!
As always, though, we have been keeping busy!
My sweet tooth is OUT OF CONTROL with this pregnancy!
It's seriously a problem!!
I "like" Scratch Cupcakery on Facebook and I made a post on my own page that I need to block them because I can't handle the pictures!
A few days later my friend Jacky Jack brought me these cupcakes from our local bakery!
They were delicious and I appreciated them so much!!
I'm also obsessed with cuties.
I have to cut myself off at 6 most days!
And these damn things jumped in my cart at Target the other day!
Our day is not complete without at least 3 games of UNO!
Pierce wanted to sneak one last game in late one night so I crawled in his bunk bed with him!
Our Sunday evenings look a lot like this....

Some days this is my house at 6:30am!
Oh Cash!!
This is why my kids need outside!!
Matchy matchy with Cashy:)
Travis has been awesome about taking the boys ice fishing.
They've gone almost every weekend since January!
{I like the peace and quiet at home!}
Travis brings some of the fish home to eat.
Here he is cleaning them and filleting them right in front of 3 kids who are supposed to be eating their lunch!
As you can imagine, not much lunch was eaten that day! 
I am now 21 weeks pregnant!!
Cash came with me to my appointment and he loves getting his picture taken with Herky outside the office!
My ultra sound is this Friday (2/12/16) and we ARE NOT finding out the sex!
It's taken everything in me to agree to this but I think the surprise will be amazing!
Plus, we are starting from scratch anyway!  We do not have any clothes so either way we'll be buying/borrowing!
Say a prayer I can hold out on not finding out!!
Found these gems and did a throwback Thursday to when my kids let me dress them the same!
This past weekend Pierce and Makenna were invited to a birthday party at The PlayStation.
We took Makenna with us so I let Cash bring his friend Maddie!
 The kids had a great time but Travis and I agreed we probably won't be going back anytime soon, if at all! It was an interesting afternoon!
After the PlayStation we ate at A&W then headed home!
Travis was so thrilled I made him come along!!
I decided we better get started on our Valentines for school because every year it takes Pierce at least a week to finish them!
Not this kid...
...he sat down and did all 18 in twenty minutes!
In Cash's own words...."I just LOVE writing SOOOO much!!"
Pierce made major progress this year and finished all of his Valentines in one night!!
We can officially check Valentines off the list!!
Hope you all have a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!
I have been hinting towards Travis that I don't want flowers (I can't eat those!) and I really enjoyed the chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting from the bakery here in town;)
He came back with "I like beef sticks!"
Awesome, consider it done!