It's been a yucky week here:(
Cash somehow got hand foot and mouth disease.
He had a low fever Tuesday from 11:30-3 and never again!
Travis took him to the doctor because he was complaining about his ears..which he never does.
Ears were okay!
Two days later he started getting these blisters all over his face, arms, legs and privates.
I called the doctor and they confirmed hand foot and mouth.
There's nothing they can do for them...just to keep them comfortable (Tylenol!).
I think he's still pretty cute with blisters on his face!
Lots and lots and lots of cleaning went on here this week!
I have a love hate relationship with HFM because you would never know Cash is sick...he's acting fine and luckily the blisters do not bother him. He's sick...but not down for the count sick!
On the other hand it's highly contagious and having 8 kids here everyday doesn't help!
As soon as he fever was gone he was no longer unfortunately everyone was exposed on Tuesday and if they are going to get it they are all contagious now!
So here's to a three day weekend.....and a very clean house:)
I'm also excited about Raider football tonight and Iowa football tomorrow:)
Love me some fall....just wish it felt like it and not 1 million degrees!