Friday, August 31, 2012


My sister posted this on my Facebook wall and wrote...."Thought of you Kim when I saw this and your 2 crazy mohawk monsters!"......
I seriously can't get enough!  Everytime I read it I laugh out loud!!
It's so true!  I might get it framed;)
She knows me too well!!

Lets just say I'm glad it's Friday and cheers to a 3 day weekend!
Like I mentioned yesterday I'm excited for Raider & Hawkeye football this weekend!

Hope you all have a fabulous holiday weekend!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Busy Life...Happy Wife!

It's been a while since I blogged....oops! 
We've been really busy with birthdays, soccer, weddings, preschool and everyday life in between!

Every year I do a scrapbook for my kids.  I start it from birth and go through their next birthday.  I just finished Pierce's 4th and I'm working on Cash's 2nd one! 
No..I don't go and actually craft a book...I go here and create one online!  It's taken up every last bit of my extra time (when the boys go to bed...nap know, the down time!).  So I've neglected the blog!

Luckily I'm a little crazy with my photos and every last photo is labeled in the correct monthly file (on my computer!).  So I pretty much upload all my photos and create a book! 
Pierce LOVES looking at his books and will sit for an hour and look at all his past ones! went on around me and I did manage to snap a few photos so here's our last 2 weeks in a nutshell!

Cash got a hold of a beater from my mixer while making cupcakes for Pierce's birthday!  The raw egg didn't help him:(  He broke out in hives everywhere!  Luckily Benadryl does the trick!

The birthday boy wanted blue he got them!  Nothing fancy but he thought I was the coolest mom...hey, I'll take it!

Pierce started soccer...and doesn't like it;(  This is his first organized anything so it has been a transition!

For Pierce's 4th birthday he got a Spiderman bike!  He loved it and rode it up and down the sidewalk for an hour!

We celebrated his birthday at Chuck E. Cheese's.  He and all the other kids had a blast....and that's all that matters!  That's all I'll say about that;)

If you look at all their faces you'll see some pretty terrified kids!  All in all a good time....for them!

We celebrated a fellow firefighter and friends wedding!

It's pretty safe to say we all had a good time!

Pierce had his first soccer game and he touched the ball ONCE!  I'm totally okay with long as he was running with the crowd and not throwing a fit I was pleased!  He actually did 100% better then I thought!  We talked about it all morning Saturday (game was at 9am) and he was ready to go!  We walked through the dug-out to get to the field and he tripped and skinned up his knees!  I thought we were all in, all done at that point!  But he pulled himself together:)  That's my boy;)

Pierce had a very busy month!  He started preschool this week!!  Most mamas are sad and cry about this but I'm going to be one of the few that actually admits...I.WAS.EXCITED!  It's only a few hours out of the week and it's good for both of us!  He had so much fun and is so excited to go back!  I think it's good he actually has to listen and follow directions from someone else!  When the bus comes at 8am Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays we both have smile on our face:)

2 Minutes after he walked in the door from preschool...his shirt was off!  It was a long 3.5 hours with it on;)

Oh yea....and my other child! Well, he found the backup markers and colored all over himself, his friends, the walls and trim work!  Luckily I got everything out...but his hands!  They came out later that night in the tub!
Happy Wednesday to all of you! 
I'm a little bummed because tonight is the last ladies golf night:( 
But that means women's volleyball is right around the corner!

Oh...and let me just say I'm am so flip'n excited about a home Raider game this Friday and we FINALLY get to watch our beloved Hawkeyes Saturday!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Pierce

4 years ago today my life changed forever!

On Friday August 15th I had my 38 week doctors appointment.  I had high blood pressure for the first time in my whole pregnancy and she put me on bed rest.  I was devastated!

If any of you really know me you know I worry about everything!  Well, I worried myself into labor! 
My water broke around midnight and we got to the hospital at 2am (just as all the college kids were making their way home from the bar!).

Three pushes later this precious big boy was born at 8:53am, Saturday August 16th weighing 8 pounds 15 ounces....2 WEEKS EARLY!

Our lives have not been the same since! 

He is the sweetest, most kind hearted, scared of everything little boy! 

He LOVES riding his bike, being outside, gardening, going to any & all Raider games, having his friends come over everyday to play (daycare!), visiting the family farm, playing with all his cousins and much, much more!
...we love you more then you'll ever know!
Love mommy & daddy!

A a huge thank you to Jen Allen for this awesome shirt! Visit her here!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Washer Overload

Pierce naps in our room everyday and on this day he had a bit of an accident...
I threw all our bedding in the washer (which I've done before) and started it up.

Travis came home 15 minutes later and noticed there was water everywhere!  He quickly ran downstairs and was not too happy with what he saw!
 There was water falling from the ceiling...all over the bar, tile floor and carpet!
 Luckily the drywall was okay and we can replace the drop ceiling tiles! 
I got a big lecture on how to run our washer! Ummm....excuse me but I think I use this 100% more then you!  It just wasn't situated the right way in the washer;)

Luckily all is okay and replaceable!  Could have been prevented but still replaceable!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gonna Be a Soccer Player?!?!

Pierce had his very first soccer practice Monday. 

He was so excited and talked about it ALL day!

We took this picture right before we left.  So pumped to go........

Until we got there:( 

He clung to Travis and wouldn't do anything without him right next to him. 
At the end of practice they scrimmaged each other and he cried because he didn't want to participate;(

In his defense this is the first organized sport (or anything for that matter) that he's done...
...and he didn't know anyone on the team (I knew a few kids but Pierce did not).

Travis says he's too young...I say he's a bit spoiled and has never had to leave his mommy!!

We talked to one of his coaches and they think it would be best if we drop him off and leave the next practice.  I feel really bad doing this but if it helps him (and the team) we'll do it!
His next practice is on Wednesday and I'll be at golf.....Travis will have to do this on his own.  That actually might be better for everyone involved:)

Hoping the next practice goes much better and we don't have to deal with this the whole season...that could get really long!
This also doesn't give me much hope for the first day of preschool!!

To be continued.....

Monday, August 13, 2012

Busy Weekend...

I feel like I say this all the time but once again....we had a very busy weekend!  I'm loving all the fun things we're doing lately! 

We're at the age where all our friends are turning 30 so we celebrated another fun one on Friday!  Amber was really surprised when she walked into Phools Gold for ONE drink and saw all our faces:)

We filled the place up!!
I was not the only one enjoying an adult just looks like it in this picture;)

Gotta love fun car rides home!  I think it's safe to say Amber was pretty happy;)
Then it was off to kids day at Kinnick on Saturday!  Cash was pretty excited but I didn't have the heart to tell him he wasn't going...
This picture makes me happy for a couple reason....#1: the grass is green, #2: the sky is really blue, #3: the boys are in hawkeye jersey's which gets me excited for football & #4: Cash's smile makes my heart smile!

I tried to get a good picture with myself and the boys but Pierce was not having it (I'm not cool enough) so Travis took this of Cash and me.  I thought it was a good one until I made it larger and his eyes were closed.  Oh well...still cute!

Travis decided to get in on the action and of course....look who's smiling!

I'm still not worthy enough for a smile I guess!
My sister and her Pierce (SMILING)!

I bribed him with a piggy back ride for this shot.....
 A few hours later we were off to the circus in Williamsburg....
It kept Cash's attention....which I was excited about!

It also kept Pierce & Rogan's attention!  They loved it:)

Saturday night we had a North Street block party!  We have a great neighborhood and it was fun to all get together!  Thanks to all you ladies (and husbands) for putting it together!  It was a good time had by all.

Sunday was a day of a whole lotta nothing:)

Happy Monday...a little late but nonetheless still Monday!

Friday, August 10, 2012

**Pierce & Kahne's Day Of Fun**

My sister and I took our boys to Adventureland for the day!  We thought it would be a fun outing before they go off to preschool!

No little ones were allowed (our rules!) so I dropped Cash off at daycare alone for the first time!  Of course he was an angel and perfect for her!  Glad she didn't get to see what I get to see every day;)
I felt so bad leaving him all alone...but I knew he was in good hands!

Pierce is pretty excited about pulling in the parking lot:)

Kahne is also excited!

THE HOPPA (in my best Brooklyn accent from Dish Network commercials).

Surprise surprise...Pierce chose to drive the firetruck!


Puff the magic dragon....

We also did the water park and the boys loved that!  We should have just went there all day!

There's Pierce and I in the mix of all that!  He was concerned about the huge bucket dumping water on our heads....what he didn't know was I had timed our photo just right because I was also fearful of this;)

We took the boys on the log ride and waited FOREVER!  As we got closer Kahne realized what he was getting into and he did NOT want to go!  He was screaming and crying the whole ride!  Surprisingly Pierce loved it and had a blast!  They shoved us up front so we got soaked!!
This picture is PRICELESS!  Kellie & I about peed our pants when we saw this....we had to buy it!  The boys are experiencing pure terror...and Kellie and I are having a great time:)
I keep looking at it and I crack up every time!

This was, by far, the best part of the day!  Since I wasn't working the day we went, the boys and I lounged around my room for a while watching cartoons.  I walked out to the kitchen and saw this note....with a $100 bill next to it....
{Have fun today. Take the money & buy the boys and your tickets....Dad...6:45am...You were sleeping.}
This is from my dad!  How sweet was that!  He didn't know we had already purchased our tickets (and the boys were free) so Kellie & I enjoyed reliving our teenage years blowing dad's money on whatever we wanted....and we succeeded:)
And for the record...I was not sleeping at 6:45...I was watching Bubble Guppies in bed;)

Such a great day and we have definitely started an annual tradition!

TGIF to all of you! 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Poor Cash-Man....

Oh's official, Cash is allergic to egg and peanuts;(
[I actually took this picture one day because I had to eat an early lunch.  This is why I don't eat when the kids are awake because this is what happens...screaming crying kid that wants my food!  I thought this would be a perfect picture for the allergy post;)]

I'm not surprised about the allergies...I am however shocked that the peanut allergy was worse then the egg allergy!  Just the other day I gave him a sweet & salty peanut bar and he ate the whole thing and was completely fine.  I don't understand why the results say he's allergic to peanuts!  I guess we'd rather be safe then sorry so I better stop!

No peanuts or eggs for another year and they will re-check him.

I know this could be so much worse but I'm still hoping and praying he grows out of this!
We shall see!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Zach Brown Band & Golfing...

We had an AMAZING weekend!

Started off with getting off at noon on Friday!  We went to Zach Brown Band in Moline that night so I had to get the kids and everything situated before we left.

We only had one DD with 13 of us so we rented a 15 passenger van!  Big props to Stacy for driving the beast and keeping us all safe! 

Here are the girls in front of the beauty before the concert.
Here are our fine looking dates..... That's my "cowboy" husband on the far right;)
 Sister-in-law Amy and myself getting a bite to eat before the concert.
 All settled in our seats waiting.....
 Such a fun night with a great group of people!
The ride home in the 15 passenger was interesting;)

We got back to town late Friday night then had to be up and ready to go for the Joel & Barb Schaefer Memorial Golf Tournament Saturday. 

The rain gave us a bit of a delay but once things got rolling we all had a great time!
Dinner and dance followed the golf tourney! 
Another night out with a great group of people and lots of laughs!!
This was our team....Travis, me, Brad (cousin), Jake (brother), Amy (SIL), Ed & Van (parents) and Haley (BF).
Good times, good times!

Sunday was a bit of a slow day for me but we made it to church!  Really wishing I wouldn't have because there was a HUGE bat flying around.  I was scared to death!  I was ducking, sweating and on the verge of screaming!  I actually wanted to get up and leave!  Travis was giving me the stink eye but I can't control that (I run from sweat bees & grasshoppers!).  I kept my eye on the bat and had one of the boys close just in case they needed to shield me;)  I got the heck out of there as soon as mass ended!  It took me a good hour to calm joke!

We ended this beautiful Iowa day with frozen pizza on the deck!

I want to wish one of my besties a HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY today!
Hope you have a great day Ambular:)

Hope you all have a great Monday!