What a great week!
I was trying to figure out a new way to display our Christmas cards so I put my sister (pinterest queen) on a mission! I could have come up with this one but I'll give her the credit;)
I didn't want to go too low on the pantry door because the kids will just rip them off so I stopped halfway.
They didn't all fit (and I still have more to hang) so I started on the coat closet door. I'll be starting on the basement door pretty soon!
I bought double stick tape and it's held up all week!
You know they say it's the little things that matter....well it's true!
I bought myself a bunch of new socks and I love them:)
I love doing simple lunches:)
I finally frosted my peanut butter balls! They are delicious and I cannot promise they will make it to any holiday gathering:) They are made with all natural peanut butter so Cash gets to enjoy them also!
We had a blizzard yesterday and I actually had a snow day. I've had 2 in the last 5 years! The boys and I had a great day:)
Most of the daycare is back today and I'm actually glad because we are doing our Christmas party!
All the kids will have a present to open and they are EXCITED!
I'm not sure how often I'll get on here in the next 4 days so I want to wish all my followers a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and remember the reason for the season...Jesus! Take time to look around and really enjoy your families!